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Khconf download for windows 10.KHCONF Client for PC


For Kingdom Halls with projectors that are no longer in use, simply remove the 4 screws securing the projector and attach the Streaming System using the same 4 screws.

This Windows 10 interface is designed with a very small footprint, intuitive controls, and minimal operator input. A cost-effective solution is a design that serves its' intended function—and no more.

And since we're not trying to be everything to everyone, we can provide a turnkey system with just the right features at a fraction of the cost. They are merged seamlessly into the Program Video stream— at the same moment they play on the auditorium display —and in their native resolution.

Everything is controlled at the sound booth using a simple but powerful Windows application that comes with the VASE video streaming system. That really depends on your point of view. A mini webcam is usually set up to provide a wide view of the platform. Another option is a PTZ camera which allows the video operator to pan and zoom to the speaker or demonstration participants, thus providing a close view, which makes it possible to see facial expressions and gestures of the brothers and sisters that have prepared parts—which is great.

The drawbacks of PTZ cameras is the effort and concentration required of the brother running video, not to mention the high price tag of a decent PTZ ceiling mount camera. Additionally, using a mini webcam or PTZ ceiling mount camera requires an external encoder. Live streaming broadcasts rely on internet bandwidth.

There are many factors that can affect the quality of a live broadcast: your location, your network speed, type of connection and more. If you are experiencing broadcast delays, freezes and buffers — this may be a result of one of the above.

And keep in mind that streaming relies on good upload speeds the second number in an internet speed-test. And even with a respectable upload bandwidth, other factors like latency also affect video streaming. With that said, typically, we find that many broadband internet services will support up to p at 30fps keep in mind that every Branch video that you currently watch has a maximum resolution of p at 30fps.

We have a package that will fit most circumstances. We encourage you to review our Kingdom Hall Video Systems Design Options which includes a system diagram and component spreadsheet with approximate costs. Comes complete with three cameras and high speed stream encoder. Left CAM is typically set to view the platform area where student demonstrations are given at a table.

This provided software controls all the critical functions of the Video Streaming System. This router makes a major improvement in video performance. The Ubiquiti router also provides a separate network for Security Cameras for systems using any type of IP Cameras , and it provides yet another isolated network as a general purpose feed to Wi-Fi access points.

Please see our application note entitled Network Connections and the application note entitled Video Connections. First, the stream that originates from your Kingdom Hall is RTMP real time messaging protocol and does not represent the final form that must be sent to each recipient. The stream produced by your streaming engine is not a multicast, but more of a point-to-point stream that carries video from your Kingdom Hall to the video servers provided by the Branch.

This new stream must then be sent to each viewer. This new stream is also not sent out in a multicast. Instead, the Branch server must provide a unique connection to each recipient.

That means that if your congregation has 10 households receiving the stream provided by the Branch, then there must be 10 separate streams or connections. Simply reducing resolution to P can lower the bandwidth cost by more than a factor of 2X. Likely, P. VASE is designed to provide video streaming and audio conferencing simultaneously.

For the friends that still need to dial in, nothing changes. Meeting attendance is obtained as before and the number of listeners automatically includes those tied in by video and by phone. VASE is a stand-alone solution and requires nothing more.

Once it is installed, there are no adjustments needed and operation during meetings is nearly hands-free. Firmware for these high performance cameras is designed by a methodology that centers on image optimization. Everything is assembled right here where we keep a tight rein on quality.

Cameras are at the core of video streaming; so, they need to be the best. Some changes like this go beyond the scope of your permissions as a sub-admin. We have the only super-admin account capable of adjusting major parameters.

Things like target stream resolution, and lower bandwidth consumption, are VASE design parameters with the intent of preserving dedicated funds. The stream name, key, protocol, and structure are all built around the latest direction. Your existing computer equipment should suffice. We have gone to great lengths to provide a solution that does not put a burden on existing equipment.

The stream name, stream key, resolutions and general settings are already optimized. There is very little wiring required. Every aspect of this project has been guided by the preservation of resources. That includes a nearly hands-free interface. A single click of the mouse changes scenes. There is virtually no task-load added to sound booth operation.

You will notice that the Windows 10 app provided has a Congregation selector. When you click on the Congregation Name, all of the settings are loaded for that unique profile. For the sound booth operator, the more we leave open for control, the more focus it takes away from other things like running sound and listening to the meeting. VASE is designed with the intent of having a unified and consistent method of streaming meeting content. In part, that is done by leaving VASE setup—including fixed camera views—in the hands of the installer.

The idea of using fixed cameras was there from the beginning. Add the App like any other. Any phone, tablet, laptop, TV, or computer that has an internet browser and a good Wifi connection can be used to stream.

Inside the browser, enter the website address provided by your congregation elder overseeing streaming video. HLS is inherently compatible with Apple browsers. Chrome users will be required to install the Native HLS Playback extension in order to view the stream. We hope that changes. In the meantime, we are working on a new single camera solution that comes with mounting hardware, wiring, an a high quality USB camera. Camera zoom, focus, aperture, and position are locked in at the time of installation.

This insures consistent content and a very light workload for the sound booth operator. Data Sheet Get Pricing '; document. The Answer is Simple. Simply Affordable A cost-effective solution is a design that serves its' intended function—and no more.

Important Features. A System to get you started Right Away. Simple Video Streaming. Simple Windows Interface. Simple Maintenance. What kind of camera is best? What resolution will I get? Is there an approved package for streaming? Why is it so important to go with lower resolution?

If you plan on using the existing sound booth computer to handle stream encoding, be aware that this puts quite a bit of strain on CPU, GPU, and memory which could lead to freezing or even disruptions when playing videos on the TV system and disruptions to the stream being sent out to homebound friends.

Try reducing the camera resolution to p or lower and set frame rate to 30fps. Another measure is an adjustment to stream resolution. Use 30fps with p, p, or p. Do I still need a phone line? How does vase get such clear pictures? What if we need to add a Congregation? Does it meet branch guidelines? Do we need another computer?

How hard is this to install? Do we need a dedicated video operator? What if there are multiple congregations? Why can't I control the camera PTZ? Can I watch on Roku? Other than Roku, how do I watch? Will any internet browser work? Our Suppliers 1. Simply the Best Inside. Choose the Right System.

